Poor Advertising of a Good Product

Why do they create a bad advertising for this fine quality product? It is still a mystery that to me. But we will attempt to figure out why it happens. First of all let’s define what we mean under bad advertising.  It is an advertising that has not worked. That is it. The aim of the advertising might be…

Let’s suggest that we have a unique product to be advertised. Why do they create a bad advertising for this fine quality product? It is still a mystery that to me. But we will attempt to figure out why it happens. First of all let’s define what we mean under bad advertising. It is an advertising that has not worked. That is it. The aim of the advertising might be not only traditional increase of sales – sometimes it is necessary to maintain sales rate at the definite level and under certain circumstances to slow down the rate of sales drop. Among the targets of an advertising campaign we distinguish: informing the public about something new in the product, creating a sense of brand awareness, adding or doing away with some values in the product image – that is enhancing the emotional charm of the item. And so on…Well, why then advertising fails to attain its target.

The first and probably the main problem it has not been noticed. It is not the matter of scanty advertising budget. It often happens that advertising is done in the so- called “category format”. Some advertisers believe that if the competitors choose this strategy, then they are likely to know their business and they rely on somebody else’s choice, thinking that it will work. The most terrifying consequence of such an approach is that consumers have a subconscious image of advertising of a certain product, for example mascara. And even if to create an impressive storyboard and present it to the focus groups, the clients are likely to say” Well, mascara advertising should look quite different”. Such clichés exist almost in every category: beautiful cars, speeding along the picturesque landscape as well as impassable roads; happy men drinking beer in the pub; worried students not knowing what to do with their custom term paper research; ideal families sitting at dinner to taste new mayonnaise or drink refreshing juice.It is like exclusive circle, which can be broken by a mutual wish of the client and the advertising agency. Not afraid of taking risks and becoming noticed and appreciated by their consumers. “Outdo others” approach instead of” not to be worse than others” guarantees not only moral satisfaction but a real opportunity to economize on media distribution. Bright and original idea requires fewer rating and advertising boards. The second reason is the following. The advertising contains too much information. Remember the old axiom – be simple. If you manage to attract your consumer with a straightforward, lucid and absorbing message, he will be able to find your phone numbers, address where he can buy custom term paper onlineBusiness Management Articles, he will find out the information about the discounts and additional information about your product.

The third mistake and the last one is this. At the present moment the most widespread way of segmentation is demographical. If to analyze the advertising briefs we might come to conclusion that all the brands are meant for 20 – 45 year olds with high income. That is why I am expecting my 46th birthday with some fear. I believe that other system of segmentation should be chosen and we must admit that product consumption does not depend on the age. These are the main blunders of advertising. Avoid them. You might want to know what makes then a good advertising. I am sorry but I will be absolutely trivial: good advertising contains original creative idea conveying one simple message to the target audience.

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About Saleem Mir

Webmaster, Life Coach, Marketing Expert, Artist, Writer, Poet, Lab Scientist..God really blesses us all with Talents and we acquire Skills while we continue through Life.

What’s required of us is to be grateful to God, hone our skills and help each other. That’s What I try to do.

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