One essential aspect of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is social marketing. In simple terms, social marketing is an approach that makes use of Social Networking Sites to Market your Website.

In addition to having an excellent business website, promoting a positive profile across the social media is important in successful online marketing. Twitter, Yahoo Groups, Facebook and other online communities are rapidly expanding. Statistics show that the number of online blogs is fast approaching the 500 million mark. Many of these bloggers host discussions of products and services that they have purchased. Surveys show that approximately one third or all blogs discuss commercial products. A similar percentage of surfers surveyed said that they thought more highly of companies that had their own business blogs.

Businesses should be aware of the vast potential to promote their products via social media. They should also be concerned that their company or brand reputation might be damaged by mishandling of these advertising opportunities.

It takes 6 to 8 months to get results from Search Engine Optimization. However, business owners do not have time or patience to wait for 6 months. The solution is to use Web 2.0 or Social Media Optimization techniques to get quick results. You can get results within a Week or a month. Social Media sites like You Tube, FaceBook, MySpace have huge traffic. But you need experts who can help take advantage of these websites to market your business. There are thousands of Social Media websites, but you need to select best sites which can get you traffic.

There are two distinct types of social media optimization. The first involves using social media features directly in content. These features include polling tools, sharing buttons, RSS feeds and user feedback. These tools allow the user to feel like they are participating in the content of a website. The second is utilizing promotional activities. These are done to promote things other than the actual content of the website. Popular ways to achieve this are through the use of blogging, discussion boards and updates on sites like Facebook and Twitter. Both of these options are excellent ways to utilize social media in order to promote your website.

There are other benefits to social media optimization as well. The first allows web masters to take advantage of the phenomenon of viral marketing. Like the old fashioned concept of ‘word of mouth’ social media allows your visibility to grow exponentially. By capitalizing on techniques such as photo sharing, video sharing and social bookmarking, you can develop a viral campaign of your own.

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About Saleem Mir

Webmaster, Life Coach, Marketing Expert, Artist, Writer, Poet, Lab Scientist..God really blesses us all with Talents and we acquire Skills while we continue through Life.

What’s required of us is to be grateful to God, hone our skills and help each other. That’s What I try to do.

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